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Email Coaching Survey
Hey there! Thanks so much for taking a look at this survey. I'm looking for ways to making coaching more affordable and still valuable for more people. This is one idea. Your input would be immensely appreciated.
1. Can you see yourself being interested in coaching via email?
1. Can you see yourself being interested in coaching via email?
2. What do you think are the most important factors determining if you would sign up for email coaching? Choose one or more.
2. What do you think are the most important factors determining if you would sign up for email coaching? Choose one or more.
Frequency (how often we are in contact)
Length of commitment
Availability of a trial period
Complemented with regular online meetings
3. Share your thoughts on how you would imagine email coaching working for you.
If you would like me to keep you updated on this potential offer in the future, enter your email address (optional).
Untitled checkboxes field
Okay with responding to follow-up questions (when checked).